Monday, February 22, 2010


welcome students
this is to inform you that the class blog is active and you welcome to use it anytime. please make good use of it. enjoy!!!!


  1. thankyou portia and your group you've really done a reccomendable job!!!!!!!!!
    alice mukami

  2. Thank you the Blog team for making it even easier for us to share in this learning process. GOD BLESS YOU!!

    SETH OUMA 07-1218

  3. Good work Portia you have saved the class!

  4. Oops and Lois basically the blog team you have us proud!

  5. This proves that, with positive mental attitude, you have what it takes to solve any problem. Our elearning may be down but you can never be down. Make use of this blog to exchange ideas on issues concerning audio production and media in general. Thumbs high to Auntie P and her blog team!

  6. as ripe as a paw paw is the team that did this job...good job..kudos!:)

  7. Class activity for tomorrow, Wednesday 10, 2010 is: Discuss any topic of your choice with your group members in about 10min. Choose a person to be the interviwee for the topic you choose but do not discuss the questions beforehand. Just make sure that you are all comfortable with the topic. Select an interviewer and discuss what questions to ask the interviewee.Remember he or she is not supposed to know the questions beforehand. The interview is to be conducted live in studio within a period of 5min. Afterwhich we will critique the groups as a class. Have fun!

  8. Read on interviews and be ready to answer random questions in class...

  9. This is a summary of the work that will be covered tomorrow. the topic is interviewing.

    Aim of interviewing
    -to provide facts reasons or opinions on a particular topic so that the listener can form a conclusion as to the validity of what he is saying.
    Basic approach
    -opinions of interviewer are irrelevant
    -Interviewer should practice deference and courtesy
    -topic may be discussed beforehand but actual questions should not be so answers are not fixed
    - interviewer is acting on behalf of his listener and ask questions which the listener would like to ask and what he needs to know.

  10. Types of interview
    - imparts information to the listener.
    - sequence is important
    -can be discussed beforehand, so that interviewee can clarify information required and check any needed statistics.
    -interviewer supplies facts and interviewee comments or explains them.
    -expose reasoning and allow listener to make judgment
    -Interviewer must be well briefed, alert and attentive to pick up and challenge the opinions expressed.
    -content is reactive, should not be rehearsed.
    -provide insight into the interviewees state of mind so that the listener may better understand what is involved in human terms
    -its strength of feeling present rather than rationality which is important.
    -needs to remain impartial yet not indifferent
    - needs to establish necessary relationship

  11. Preparation for interview
    - Should obtain sufficient briefing and background information on subject and the interviewee.
    - Have a detailed knowledge of what the interview should achieve.
    - Know what the key questions are.

    Pre interview discussion
    - No standard approach
    - Interviewer should be aware of interviwees state of mind and work hard to enable interviewees thinking and personality to emerge.
    - Indicate subject areas to be covered, allow interviewee to do most of talking. It is an opportunity to confirm facts and interviewee gets to release tensions. Interviewer anticipates any problems of language, coherence or volume.
    - Interviewer should avoid discussion on topic especially if he risks revealing his own personal attitude to subject

  12. Question technique
    -informed naivety
    -questions, follow 5W’s and H, +which.
    Devils advocate
    -when interviewee is to express his own point of view thus it is necessary for opposing views to be put before him.
    -interviewer must be careful not to associate himself with opposition.
    Multiple Questions
    -Questions should be short and simple.
    -interviewers initial approach will set tone for the whole interview
    -interviewer should be focused and clear thus no need for clarification
    Leading Question
    - Don’t imply judgment
    Non questions
    -statements rather than questions
    Non verbal communication
    -eye contact, facial expression.
    - interviewer can never be bored. He/ she can express surprise, puzzlement or encouragement.
    -interviewer can butt in with further questions

  13. During interview
    Interviewer must actively control
    - Technical aspects. Constantly monitor
    - Aims of interview, keep them in mind and ensure subject matter is being covered.
    - Supplementary question, listen and think quickly to ask appropriate follow up questions.
    - Timing, strictly adhered to.

    Winding up
    -finaly (use once)
    -interviewer should avoid need for summary, a properly structured interview does not need one.
    -one can end with, thank you…….

    After the interview
    - If recorded, check by playing back.
    - If need for retake, do original rather than try to redo old one.
    - Interviewee may want details about transmission.
    - Thank interviewee for his time and trouble and taking part in the programme.
    - Professional courtesy

  14. Location interview
    - Outside studio acoustics can be problematic
    - Avoid hard, smooth surfaces. Carpeted rooms.
    - Work closer to mic plus reduce record level.
    - Background noises can be edited later
    - Some acoustic effect is desirable, but priority is to clarity of speech.
    - Mic and machine can be checked, assembled, made ready in preliminary conversation to relax interviewee
    - Test system by taking level recording some brief conversation to hear the relative volume.

  15. thats a basic cover of everything. for more refer to your course books. enjoy.

  16. All our class leaders, so far, have done their best to make our classes interactive. This is what student centred approach to learning is all about. Keep the candle burning even brighter. All those who have not had a chance to lead class - grab the opportunity - we still have limited chances available. Don't forget visit to NTV next month and live studio operations exam on 17/03/10.

  17. Hey hope you enjoyed the class. i had fun. all we need to do is figure out how to keep time.

  18. was wondering. will the details for the exam be posted here? just in case we need a specific script.

  19. was wondering the same as Nicole.Wambura and Kasiva

  20. Make sure you post all your ten programme critiques within deadline. Otherwise, you'll have no one but yourself to blame for a poor grade.

    COM 361 – Audio Production
    Final Project (30 marks)
    January 2010 Semester
    Instructor: Mrs. Rosemary N. Kowuor

    In groups comprising of between two to three members of COM 361 class, produce a one hour Magazine programme aimed at addressing issues affecting target audience of Shine 103.1 FM. The subject matter of the individual items should itself be relevant and new to the listener.

    Your final production must reflect high level of both scripting and technical professionalism. It must meet the following requirements:

    1. Must comprise of at least five clearly defined and distinct segments with smooth flow of scenes, making use of radio transition devices (sound effects, music, silence etc) that support the overall theme of the Magazine.

    2. Make a proposal for the Magazine programme. Identify the people you intend to interview and clearly define their role. Submit by 31st March 2010.

    3. Provide a detailed routine sheet, which has to be submitted for approval, before the actual production of the programme, by 7th April 2010.

    4. Make promos and signature tune for the programme. Submit by 14th April 2010. Make arrangements to have this aired on Shine 103.1 FM.

    5. Make a pitch of your programme to class and Shine 103.1 management to justify that your programme is good enough to be aired on the station Submit by 21st April 2010.

    6. Make arrangement with the Shine Management to have your programme aired before end of January semester. The transmission date and time of your programme MUST be when the lecturer or Mr. Perminus Mburu is available to listen to the show.

    7. The final production, well-edited, high quality production MUST be saved in an CD and a mini-disk labeled your name, student number, project title and length. These must be submitted to Mrs. Kowuor on or before 28th April 2010.

    Motto: Producing quality edutainment radio programmes!

  22. I mised class. i thought Mrs.Nayole would be at the PanAfrican conference.Tsk! my bad for assuming

  23. I just realised that i spelled Mrs. Rosemary's name wrongly..pole.
    When is the deadline for the bbc updates. i think im falling behind on listening to some of those shows,.Thank god we will only be evaluated for ten shows..

  24. dzame haha you are funny....

  25. class today was cool...wa!proposal got some of us offguard! hii job imekua most all of asudden! only sir God will see us thru..later!

  26. Cover letter

    Alice mukami kariuki
    Sarah Alaro
    Sheila Wandia
    Daystar University
    P.O Box 44400-00100

    March 31, 2010

    Mrs. Roslyn Nyaole
    Daystar University
    P.O Box 44400-00100

    Dear Mrs Nyaole


    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We the above named are requesting for a magazine show in your station (Shine Fm). The show will entail issues affecting the youth and the solutions affecting them.
    Hope our request will be considered. Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,
    Alice mukami kariuki,
    Sheila Wandia,
    Sarah Alaro.

    Problem statement

    There are many issues affecting the youth that are not really addressed, how can the youth get a forum for airing these problems?


    •To highlight the different issues affecting the youth.
    •To educate the youth on various matters.
    •To entertain.

    Description of the program

    The program name will be up and about. It will be running from 11:30-12:30 on Wednesdays. The target audience will be the youth in order to help them to solve the different issues affecting their day-to-day lives.


    Item Amount in Ksh
    CDs 100
    Transport 1500
    Refreshments 150
    Total 1700

    Running Order
    Music mix 5 min
    Devotion 5 min
    Music 2 min
    Feature 15 min
    Commercials 3 min
    News 5 min
    Job search 5 min
    Health 10 min
    Music mix 5 min
    Outro 5 min
    Total 1 hr


    In conclusion, this magazine show is going to help the youths on issues which affect their day-to-day lives and how to deal with them. It is also going to help the youths on their spiritual lives.

    alice kariuki,
    sarah alaro,
    sheila wandia.

  27. working on the proposal now....quite hectic

  28. Morning everybody. I wanted to ask Mrs Nyaole how we are supposed to do the pitching and what it should entail because i am very confused on what exactly we are suppoed to hand in. I f anyone has an idea please inform me. Thankyou.
    Sheila Wandia 08-0730
