Tuesday, March 9, 2010

this is another testing

Just testing the blog. Trying to revise for the complaints recieved. In other News, thank you all for the positive comments. It's the God in us


  1. The com 361 blog is working well. I hope plans are under way to design it better. Add Audio Production. Post all your reflections and programme critiques here.

  2. Daystar University
    COM 361 –Audio Production
    January 2010 Semester
    Studio Operations Exam I (30 Marks)
    Time: 5 Minutes
    Instructor: Mrs. Rosemary N. Kowuor

    Produce live a strictly, 3-minute devotion based on the following guideline:
    • Fade Up time check/station jingle/programme intro for 10 seconds then fade out
    • Segue instrumental music for 5 seconds then under
    • Cross fade Scripture reading for 10 seconds
    • Fade up instrumental music for 5 seconds then fade under
    • Apply the scripture reading to real life situation for 1 minute
    • Fade up instrumental music for 5 seconds then fade under
    • Cross fade back announcement and time check for 10 seconds
    • More talk based on the scripture reading for 1 minute
    • Fade up instrumental music for 5 seconds then under
    • Fade up programme outro for 5 seconds
    • Cross fade instrumental music for 5 seconds then out
    • Use music provided.

    Motto: Producing Quality Edutainment Radio Programmes

  3. 'Tsup yall!!! Big Up for everything here and in class... gr8 folks, servant leaders... XOXO Helene

  4. Confession: Never knew what I was missing till I logged in jana and spotted mob comments and shock on me, the lecturer had posted stuff for the final project of which the proposal is kesho...Ooops!! Helene

  5. Honestly, sending the programme critques hasn't been the easiest thing for me. Last night I typed all my stuff and lost it while sending...(does thtis sound familiar) hahaha. How about this, "the dog ate my memory". Let me try and post the Proposal. Helene

  6. Proposal for a Magazine Programme on 103.1 Shine FM
    As we draw towards the end of the January 2010 semester and the end of the Course COM361 (Audio Production), we strongly feel an urge to put into practice and use what we learnt and experienced in this course. We are overwhelmed with knowledge and enthusiasm in the area of audio production as a result of this course and would therefore like to use the same knowledge to positively impact other people’s lives. We believe Shine FM, Daystar’s student radio would be the best ground to start our journey into the world of servant leadership as regards the media and Christianity. We hereby propose a Magazine Programme to be aired on the student’s radio.

    Name, Presenters, Target Audience and Content of the Magazine Programme
    Our proposed name for this programme is Mchanganyiko Maalum, Swahili words meaning ‘great mix’. The reason as to why we chose this name is because it is first of all catchy and unique, it’s meaning is significant to the genre of the programme, that is, a magazine programme is basically a ‘mixture’ of various contents.

    The presenters of the show will be the three of us (Hellen, Caleb and Victor) who will also be the producers of the show. However with time, we hope to train and mentor other students from the next COM361 class who will take over after us.


    Proposal for a Magazine Programme on 103.1 Shine FM

    An assignment done in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course COM361A (Audio Production)

    Presented to

    Mrs. Rosemary N. Kowuor

    Communication Department

    Presented by

    Hellen Mayelle (08-0026)

    Caleb Mwangi (08-0036)

    Victor Bowen (08-0034)

    Date: March 31, 2010


    Proposal for a Magazine Programme on 103.1 Shine FM

  8. Our primary target audience is the Daystar University, Athiriver campus students, staff and faculty. This is because we hope to make the programmes out of content from this community, about us and for us, then to the others.

    The content in Mchanganyiko Maalum will be designed with the audience in mind; it will be tightly structured with emphasis on content although some music will be played during short breaks. The following is an example of an hour’s sequence of Mchanganyiko Maalum from 05:00-06:00pm for instance:

    Time Duration (Minutes) Segment Content
    05:00-05:05PM 5 Main News
    05:05-05:08PM 3 Interview
    05:08-05:11PM 3 Music Break
    05:11-05:13PM 2 Financial/Business News
    05:13-05:15PM 2 Sports Up-date
    05:15-05:20PM 5 Bridge, Press Review
    05:20-05:25PM 5 Topic of the Day Discussion
    05:25-05:30PM 5 Phone-ins on discussion
    05:30-05:33PM 3 Music Break
    05:33-05:34PM 1 Weather Update
    05:35-05:40PM 5 Local information(farm, industry, jobs, prices)
    05:40-05:42PM 2 Music Break
    05:42-05:43PM 1 Anniversaries of the day
    05:43-05:46PM 3 TV, Film and Book review
    05:46-05:51PM 5 Health feature
    05:51-05:54 PM 3 Music Break
    05:54-05:59PM 5 Devotion/Religious spot
    05:59-06:00PM 1 Signature tune and programme promo

    Figure 1.1 Tentative one-hour running order of Mchanganyiko Maalum.

  9. Objectives of the Programme
    We would mainly want to inform, educate and entertain the Daystar community and Shine Fm audience on a wide range of topical issues bound with in the university’s vision and mission. We believe a magazine programme would best suit this objective since it allows for various topic segments which brings out edutainment in one package.

    We also want to produce this show so as to cater for the various communities that exist within Shine FM’s listenership. For instance what might appeal to students may not appeal to a famer in rural Machakos, on-campus affairs versus off-campus affairs. These might be briefly pointed out in news bulletins but are often too brief. Our programme will fill this gap.

    Mchanganyiko Maalum will capture current affairs on campus and bring to students’ attention issues of concern. More so, this show aims at producing features about the students and the university at large in our own voices segment bring them fresh ideas and news.

    We hope to make this programme up to the standards of Shine FM through extensive research on issues to be handled, interviews with prominent members of the community, live coverage of events on and off campus.

  10. We will listen to and observe issues and ideas, maintaining consistency in the ‘flavour’ of the programme, and seeking professional advice from those concerned. We also intend to carry our listener surveys after few months of launching the programme so as to gage it’s rating among the listeners.

    Mchanganyiko Maalum is a Programme idea that came as a result of deep thought, observation and inspiration from the class activities as well as lectures. It also sprung from the fact that Shine Fm currently has very few magazine programmes.
    We would like through this programme to reach out to the entire Daystar community to help create positive change in their lives as well as ours. This show will not only educate but it will also entertain while spiritually nourishing both the producers’ and listeners’ lives.

  11. Well, well, well, THIS IS IT!!


    Helene, Caleb and Adebayor AKA Bowen

    NB: We even posted a title page...Daystar style, yeah! Hahahaaaaaaa

  12. With the proposal sent, I am now embarking on my programme critique... Dear God, please give the strength and psych to do it. I'm so spent. XOXO

  13. My radio Programme critique
    Programmes: Praise Junction on Hope FM and The Interview on BBC World service.

    Praise Junction
    This programme airs every weekday from 10:00am to 02:00pm on Hope FM. It is presented by Wambui Mburu, a Daystar alumni. Wambui is warm as she deals with real life issues on her show. She interviews personalities who’ve been there and came through successfully. In the latter part of the show she makes your lunch hour worth while with soothing worship music. Among some of the prominent personalities she has featured on her show are Mrs. Rebecca Ng'ang'a (Daystar University), Mrs. JAne Awiti (DAystar University), and Eda Adoi.

  14. The Interview
    This is a half-hour interview with interesting and prominent people from around the world with a great range of interests and opinions. It is presented by Owen Bennet-Jones and sometime Carrie Gracie. Each week, one person is put under the spot light by either Owen or Carrie, they explore topical issues, personal motivation and interviewee's hopes and fears. Some prominent people who have been featured on this programme are, entrepreneur/philanthropist Bill Gates, Abdullah Abdullah-Afghanistan opposition leader and nobel prize winner Wangari Maathai.

  15. The genre of these programmes is basically Interview mostly profiles. The style of presentation of both shows is largely informal and conversational. For instance, Wambui is warm and empathetic towards her guests and often laughs and chats with them. Owen on The Iterview is also conversational with his guests and shares in the good and bad moments. However, unlike the Praise Junction interviews, Owen Bennet-Jones sometimes gets tough on his guests, he becomes searching and combative when necessary on the show.

  16. I had a hard time making up my mind on the local programme to be compared with a similar one on the BBC. I am an ardent fan of Wambui's programme and I like Owen's interviewing tactics generally from this and other programmes but I thought the two programmes can not be put together; Wambui is so calm and gentle to think she can be compared to tough guy-Owen. But when I checked my notes on interviewing, I realized I was doing the wrong thing comparing them that way and if I continued that way, I would still be wondering which programmes to put together for this assignment. Yes, the notes clearly stated that the aim of an interview is to provide in the interviewee's own words, facts, opinions or reasons on a particular topic so that the listener can form a conclusion as to the validity of what he or she is saying.

  17. Now some differences between the two programmes:

    Praise Junction features solely religious personalities(born-again Christians)and focuses on mainly social and spiritual matters unlike The Interview which cuts across cultures and issues as long as the people are significant in their communities and or world wide and it talks about everything from politics to religion and all depending on the interviewee's background story and experiences.

    Praise Junction is more of a sequence allowing for other spots to be aired with in the main show. For instance, news updates and commercial breaks are brought in often-the other day for example, Wambui broke into the programme to give some breaking news about some strike somewhere along Ngong road. We don't hear this on The Interview at all, it is a one-off programme. This could be due to the limited time of the show, but then it could mostlikely be the general style/format of the programme.

    Musical breaks are frequent in Praise Junction, as the interview goes on which is not the case with BBC's The interview.

    More so, listener involvement is catered for in the Praise JUnction via text messages, people are allowed to comment, question and ask for prayer requests during the show, where as the Interview on BBC is just between the host and guest.

    I find these differences as what make these programmes unique and interesting. Just imagine all interview programmes on radio sounding almost alike... It has also got to do with the overall style/format, vision and mission of th e station. This is the beauty of radio broadcast!

  18. On originality and impartiality:

    After listening for all these weeks and more, I have come to conclude that both Praise Junction and The Interview are interview programmes that encompass all the three major types of interviews we saw in class-informational (they impart the listener with information), interpretive (both Wambui and Owen/Carrie sometimes supply the facts and ask the interviewee to either comment on or explain them, emotional (both provide an insight into the interviewee's state of mind so that the listener may better understand what is involved in human terms eg interviewee's motivation, challenges, and fears in life).

    So, what about originality and impartiality in these shows?
    Both shows are original according to me. Wambui's programme is outstanding, has its own style and tone which has drawn great numbers of listeners over time. No other show in Kenya or else where I have been sounds like hers and I understand the idea for this programme came straight from her. No wonder she exhibits so much passion and love for it that we can hear over the air waves.

    The Interview on BBC though like a number of interview programmes on Western radio and television programmes still has originality in it. Owen Bennet-Jones has his own authoritative yet relaxing style of interviewing that makes his show rather different from the others, the fact that it is about this one guest and his or her life experiences liked to social, economic, political, and cultural issues is unique to this show alone (as far as I know).

    Although impartiality is key for broadcast and other journalists world wide, I guess there's exception when it comes to journalists already aligned/affiliated to particular partisan media houses especially religious and political houses. With this said, there is no need to mention that Wambui Mburu's opinions and conclusions totally lie on one side-in line with born-again Christian morals where as Owen and Carrie try as much as possible to remain impartial at all times-its called journalism ethics. But these ethics are relative depending on where and when and by whom.

  19. Pendekezo la Kipindi cha “Somafuraju”
    Wahusika: Christine Kasiva
    Mashirima Kapombe
    Portia Opondo

    Pendekezo hili ni kulingana na mradi wa mwisho, katika somo la “COM 361A: Audio Production”. Tukizingatia haya, tumekubaliana kufanya kazi katika kikundi cha watu watatu:

    Produsa: Portia Opondo.
    Mhariri: Mashirima Kapombe.
    Muandishi: Christine Kasiva.

    Kipindi chetu kinaitwa “SOMAFURAJU”. Neno tulilotunga kutokana na malengo makuu ya kipindi:


    Yaliyomo katika kipindi hiki yatagawanywa katika vipande vinne:

    i. Mambo ya sasa: Hapa tutazingatia mambo yanayotokea katika chuo kama siasa na athari zake kwa mwanafunzi wa chuo kikuu cha Daystar. Tutakuwa na mahojiano ambapo tutawahusisha wanachama wa DUSA (Serikali ya wanafunzi) na wanahabari wa Shine na Involvement kupata maoni yao.
    ii. Mitindo na utalii: Hapa tutagusia mitindo ya mavazi, michezo inayomfurahisha mwanafunzi sana katika msimu huu na sehemu za kwenda kupumzika wakati wa likizo fupi au wikendi.
    iii. Dondoo: Sehemu hii itashughulikia hadithi za kuchekesha na uvumi/udaku unaoendelea humu chuoni.
    iv. Burudani: Msikilizaji atapata kujulishwa visa vinavyotarajiwa kutendeka humu chuoni na pia nje ya chuo.

    Manufaa ya “Somafuraju” kwa stesheni ya Shine FM
    1. Kwa kuwa ni kipindi kipya, kitaongezea vipindi katika orodha iliyoko.
    2. Kipindi hiki kitatosheleza mahitaji ya msikilizaji (mwanafunzi wa Daystar), kwa kumsomesha, kumfurahisha na kumjulisha. Aidha kwa njia hii, kitafikia malengo ya stesheni yenyewe.
    3. Kipindi kimejaa dhana mpya, ambazo zitaongezea katika tofauti za vipindi vya Shine.

    Manufaa kwa wanakikundi
    1. Itatupatia fursa ya kutumia mafunzo tuliyopata darasani kufanya kazi yenyewe.
    2. Itatuwezesha kupata kionjo cha vile kazi inavyofanywa na watangazaji wengine katika stesheni zengine.
    3. Kwa kuwa ni kipindi cha Kiswahili, kitatuwezesha kunadhifisha msamiati wetu na uzungumzaji wa lugha yenyewe.
    4. Mradi huu utaongezea katika maktaba zetu za kazi tulizofanya tukiwa bado chuoni.

  20. Wambui brings various guests who tackle spiritual issues from listeners. These are mainly pastors and bible teachers. Once in a while, experts in other fields outside spiritual circles come on board to handle issues in the relevant fields. One such is a show dedicated to a gynecologist once a month to handle productive health issues; there is one also dedicated to a lawyer to handle legal matters.
    The show is very enlightening to a Christian in knowing how to relate some life’s issues with the bible. The expert shows are also really educative.

    Meanwhile on the interview on 27/03/2010 Owen Bennett Jones talked to Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem an internet entrepreneur who became Mayor of Jerusalem a year ago on how he thinks he can bring his business skills to bear on the challenges facing the city.
    He said he wants Jerusalem to reach its potential with more tourism and more facilities for its growing population.
    But he also wants to make it the undivided capital of the Jewish people under Jewish sovereignty. Owen grilled him about this particularly on the planned Jewish settlements. I liked the whole interview though I thought at one point that Owen was being too hard on the mayor.

  21. It is 08:40pm now and I am loving the good Lord for enabling me to post the proposal and my programme critique. This has been real divine intervention on my side and I appreciate my God for this. I'm off to cook me something now after accomplishing my mission for today-hurray!! and look forward to a great night and a good morning. Have a blessed holy week yall and be good-as always......XOXOXO

    Relations and relationships have been an issue among youths. Many people are faced with various problems in their life having to do wit relating to others. Thus raising the question, what is a health relationship? In this programme we are trying to explore and find out views from various entities to try and make our relation ships better. The show would be a youth variety show. We picked to do this because many youth are interested in relationships. It is what mostls surround their lives. Be it youth to youth, youth to parents/guardians, youth to school or education organization and most importantly youth to God.
    The name of the show is ‘TUPENDANE’. It is a kiswahili word for let us love one another. It was best for the show as it captured what we intend to talk about.
    We wish to have two presenters so as to have to different perspectives on the topics we will have. One male and one female. This is to be able to assure equality to the genders.
    Our target audience is the youth aged 13-27. This is basically so because they are the unmarried youth in the country who need help and guidance in their relationships.

    Our content will be on everyday relationships that affect us. Be it from the youth to youth, parent and mostly God. We will have also news on the happening of the population of Daystar. This is in order to keep our youth in touch with current activities.
    To help build stronger relationships between the youth and those they interact with on a daily basis and with God.
    To enlighten the youth on how to solve various relationship conflicts.
    W plan to achieve this through:
    Research on topics
    Text in’s and phone in’s
    Music that is encouraging and youth like
    News on current youth affairs

    This is our rundown sheet
    06:00 – 06:03 Signature tune, time check, introduction
    06:04 – 06:07 Devotion
    06:08 – 06:18 Music
    06:19 – 06:29 Interview
    06:30 – 06:31 Advertisements
    06:32 –06:40 Interview continues and text in’s and phone in’s
    06:41 – 06:45 News bulletin
    06: 46 – 06:50 Interview conclusion
    06:51 – 06:55 Music
    06:56 – 06:58 Sign off and signature tune

    We hope that you will consider our proposal. This show will be highly benefit the youth and the station as it will attract more listeners.


    ALEX MASINDE (08-0035)
    WINNIE BOGITA (08-1203)




    RHODA MURUPUS 07-1662
    WAMBURA MITARU 07-0693

    P.O.BOX 44000-00100

    SHINE FM 103.1
    P.O. BOX 44000-00100

    Dear Mrs. Rosemary Kowour,
    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    This is to request your office to kindly allow us, the g group, to request for a slot in the shine studios for a magazine show by the name Gjue, Gpange. This magazine is mainly about knowledge of self so that one may be able to make informed decisions.
    It will greatly appeal to the shine audience which comprises of students, staff and faculty. It will cover topics on food, fashion, etiquette, spiritual matters, jokes, sports and a personal profile.

    We hope that you will consider this request and grant us the permission to use the studios.

    Yours faithfully,

    Rhoda Murupus
    Secretary, The G Group.

    This show, Gjue Gpange is the idea of three members of The G Group and it aims at addressing issues that have to do with self so that as the name suggests, we can get to "Jijua and Jipanga." By focusing on the issue of self, the magazine that will be looking into self enlightenment and observation of habits that one has and how they will affect them in the future.
    The magazine will have a segment on interior design for the people who live both off and on campus, a section on fashion in relation to the weather of Athi River but still keeping the trends in line with the dress code, a section on health so that we get to see what the local soko contains and what we can make with the simple ingredients that are given to us, tongue twisters, devotion, a section on sports, we will also get to look into a personality so as to get to know the people around us better and an interview on etiquette.
    These topics affect a person in all ways and we see it fit to address these issues in the magazine.

    People act on what they know, this means that when people they do not know how to act. By this hypothesis, The G Group has seen the need to address the issue of self so that the community of daystar gets to make informed decisions on what to wear, what to eat and what to say among other things that will be addressed in the magazine.
    Daystar university students, faculty and support staff.
    This magazine seeks to provide edutainment (educate and entertain) to the target audience. By creating awareness among the target audience in matters of self like health, sports, fashion, interior design, food and even people in the society, the audience will get to make informed choices and live life fully.

    This seeks to look into the issue of how people should behave towards each other. In looking at this, the magazine seeks to address the issue of interpersonal relationships students, subordinate staff and the faculty. The g group sees this as very important because if cultivated in the early stages, etiquette serves us well in the work place.
    This looks into using simple things to make our homes a beautiful and enjoyable place to stay. By simply getting artifacts and things that are around us, we could decorate our houses, rooms and make whatever looks plain to look exquisite. If someone is in a nice looking place, then they are I comfort and it contributes to a sense of homeliness.

    Many students need to know how to dress in the weather that is here in Athi River but still stick to the dress code regulations as well as looking fashionable. This segment has the aim of helping to address this issue. It also helps them to get to know what they should wear when they go out into the working world.
    In this segment, we aim at informing people about the different sports available in Daystar University. By this, they will get knowledge on the advantages of engaging in sports so as to stay fit and healthy and also avoid various diseases.
    In this segment, we get to visit the market/ soko and see the various foods that are sold so that we can use whatever is provided to make healthy fun meals that are nourishing. The market Women will be interviewed on this. The need to know this is so that the target audience gets to know the power that lies in healthy eating so that they stay healthy.
    The need for spiritual nourishment is also something important. This program seeks to give attention to the spiritual part of the target audiences’ life so that they make informed decisions in terms of spirituality. This will help people see the need for God and the power hat lies in trusting God. As is said, if the inside is good, then the outside will definitely show it.

    Here we aim to get the audience to lighten up by sharing in laughter. As is said, a laugh makes you live longer. We see the need for the target audience to loosen up and extend their days.

    By this, we seek to get to know the people around us. parapet cleaning service providers make up part of the target audience, and so the group seeks to look at the profile of one of them, to give a general overview of who we interact with daily yet know so little about. This seeks to bring about interaction among members of the community.
    Programe jingle 20’’
    In studio interview on etiquette (4 mins)
    Music (5 mins)
    Fashion section ((5 mins)
    Food segment (5 mins)
    Music (5 mins)
    Devotion (3 mins)
    Jokes/tongue twisters (3 mins)
    Music (5 mins)
    Sports (5 mins)
    Profile station jingle 20’’

    Demo and jingle 4th April 2010
    Tongue twisters and food segment
    Interview on etiquette 9th April 2010
    Fashion, interior design and profiling
    Sports and devotion 12th April 2010
    Editing and mixing 16th April 2010
    Final mix down of work 19th April 2010

    CD ( 3) 70
    TOTAL COST 1070

    By finding out from the target audience what they think of the show and how they have benefitted from the magazine, we will get to know what the success f the project is. The information will be gotten by holding focus groups, carrying out interviews and giving out questionnaires.
    We as The G Group are hopeful that you will consider this proposal and grant us the permission to use your studios so that we can make a difference in the society.

  29. well, thats whats up!:) sigh

  30. Nicole Esselink 07-0715,
    Elizabeth Thuo 08-0728
    Marybeth Wambugu 08-0147
    Daystar University
    P.O. Box 44400

    Mrs. Kuwour Nyaole
    103.1 Shine FM
    Daystar University
    P.O. Box 44400

    Dear Mrs. Nyaole,

    REF: Airing Live The Dream Audio Magazine on Shine FM

    Live The Dream consists of Nicole Esselink, Elizabeth Thuo and Marybeth Wambugu. We are 3rd and 4th year communications students from Daystar University. We have come up with Live The Dream, a magazine program that will ‘edutain’ (educate and entertain) the Daystar University audience.

    The purpose of this hour long audio magazine is to inspire Daystar students to live today like the person they want to be tomorrow. Live The Dream consists of entertaining, informational and inspirational content with the aim of capturing the hearts, minds and imagination of the Daystar student community.
    We acknowledge the role 103.1 Shine Fm plays as the campus radio station. It gives countless opportunities for training and expression as well as exposure to students of Communication as well as other majors. It is in this regard that we request an opportunity to air our magazine Live The Dream on your station.
    We look forward to hearing from you. Your assistance in this worthwhile endeavor will be highly appreciated.
    Thank you very much.

    Yours Faithfully,

    Live The Dream consists of Nicole Esselink, Elizabeth Thuo and Marybeth Wambugu. We are 3rd and 4th year communications students from Daystar University. We have come up with Live The Dream, a magazine program that will ‘edutain’ (educate and entertain) the Daystar University audience.

    Daystar University Athi-River Campus Students and Staff.
    Age: 18-28
    Gender: Male and Female- Majority female
    Education: High school graduates- working for undergraduate qualifications
    Religion: Christian
    Number : 1000
    Ethnicity: Approximately 90% Kenyan
    Majority; approximately 80%, of students are middle class. They therefore have disposable income but it is limited. The remote location of the university makes boredom a major issue and concern. Students listen to radio for entertainment, fun, information, relaxation and to subvert their reality and ‘get away’ from the stresses of student life. Our audience is also very scheduled. Specifically, students listen to the station outside class times. As highlighted by demographics, the student community is Christian in nature and furthermore, youthful. All aspects of the show will therefore reflect that and appeal to them.
    Gender: Male and female
    Age: 25-60
    Religion: Christian
    Number: Approximately 100
    Ethnicity: Approximately 95% Kenyan

    Majority of the staff listenership are upper middle class. They consist of subordinate and support staff. They are stuck in their offices for majority of the day and listen to Shine Fm for entertainment, to pass time, spiritual nourishment and information. Owing to the Christian nature of the institution, some listen owing to loyalty to the University.

    The main reason that our primary audience is in Daystar University is to increase their chances of employment; in the Kenyan and international market. The purpose of this magazine is to get students to focus on life beyond the class room. We want students to get a real feel on how the job market actually is, the challenges involved in getting a job and how to maintain a job or to create employment for themselves. We also aim to inspire students to ‘live today, who we dream to be tomorrow’ through real life examples.

    Shine Fm is a student run, short wave, fm radio station. Its primary source of funding is the university and other supplementary funding comes from well wishers. Listenership amongst the student community however, is very low. Reasons given are that first, the students do not find the content broadcast on the station interesting. Other reasons include that the programming is monotonous. News and information broadcast on the station focuses mainly on the happenings within the Daystar community. However, because the community is relatively small, much of the news is already known to the audience by time of broadcast. In addition, the main reason for the establishment of Shine Fm was to give students an avenue to exercise knowledge learnt in class and develop skills. Therefore, increasing listenership is not the primary focus.

    Our magazine Live The Dream, will focus on increasing the listenership of Shine Fm amongst Daystar students. Its theme is revealing the harsh realities the Job market in a humorous and entertaining manor, informing students to be prepared and inspiring them through real life examples.
    Segments of the magazine are as follows:
    1. Tarmakology- It will highlight challenges faced in getting a job with a humorous edge
    a. Interviewees- Communications Dept- Suchi Nyakuli
    Commerce Dept-
    Psychology Dept-
    2. Ku-hustle- Focus on the challenges and stresses involved in working and studying
    a. Interviewees- Commerce Dept- Mumbi Maina
    Community Dev- Stella Najuma
    Communication Dept-
    3. Entrepreneurial- Sharing ideas on creating opportunities for self employment
    a. Interviewees- Joshua Mwongera (commerce grad)
    Joe Ageyo (…)
    4. Did you know?- strange but interesting facts
    5. Taxpayer- a Daystar Alumni working in their field of choice (on the path to success)
    a. Interviewees Christine Kariuki (Barclays Bank)
    6. The Guru- Giving advice on FAQ’s from students
    a. Interviewee- Ms. Mary Kizito- Senior Lecturer, Daystar University

    7. Living the dream- A professional the ‘top of their game’
    a. Interviewee (Day-star!)-¬¬¬¬ Louis Otieno, Talk Show Host- Daystar alumni

     This magazine has high appeal and will therefore increase listenership
     A larger listenership will increase demand for advertising
     It is a novel idea and therefore increase variety of programming on the station
     The high quality of the production will reflect positively on Shine Fm
     Shine FM will realize its primary goal by giving students an opportunity to develop skills and exercise knowledge

     Giving Live The Dream an opportunity to develop skills and exercise knowledge
     We will fulfill the course requirements of Com 361
     Develop our portfolio and therefore increase our chances of employment
     This project will give us an opportunity to interact with corporate and Daystar Alumni

    Voice Recorder Digital and portable nil
    Audio Studio facilities Recording, editing and Playback facilities nil
    Storage media 5 Compact Discs (CD’s) 100
    Stationary Writing pads and pens 100
    Transport Public Service Vehicles
    For multiple interviews 1000
    Food Lunch and snacks 1000
    Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 1000
    TOTAL 3200

    As Daystar University students, we are often encouraged to be proactive and consciously think of ways in which we can improve student life on campus. We feel that through Live The Dream, we will be able to not only make a positive contribution to 103.1 Shine Fm, but we will be able to better our academic endeavors. Please consider our request. We look forward to hearing from you.

  35. Title;console
    Mixing console, or audio mixer is a device for mixing routing, and changing the level, and dynamics of audio signals. A mixer can mix analog or digital signals, depending on the type of mixer. The modified signals are summed to produce the combined output signals.
    Mixing consoles are used in many applications, including recording studios, public address systems, sound reinforcement systems, broadcasting, television, and film post-production. Below each input, there are usually several rotary controls (knobs, pots).
    The first is a trim or gain control-These inputs buffer the signal from the external device and this controls the amount of amplification or attenuation needed to bring the signal to a quality level for processing. This stage is where most noise of interference is picked up, due to the high gains involved . Balanced inputs and connectors, reduce interference problems.
    There may be insert points after the buffer/gain stage, which send to and return from external processors which should only affect the signal of that particular channel. Insert points are most commonly used with effects that control a signal's amplitude, such as noise gates, expanders, and compressors.
    Subgroup and main output fader controls are often found together on the right hand side of the mixer or, on larger consoles, in a center section flanked by banks of input channels. Matrix routing is often contained in this master section, as are headphone and local loudspeaker monitoring controls. Talk-back controls allow conversation with the artist through their
    There are usually one or more VU or peak meters to indicate the levels for each channel, or for the master outputs, and to indicate whether the console levels are over modulating or clipping the signal. Most mixers have at least one additional output, besides the main mix. These are either individual bus outputs, or auxiliary outputs, used, for instance, to output a different mix to on-stage monitors. The operator can vary levels of each channel for each output.
    The Auxiliary send routes a split of the incoming signal to an auxiliary bus which can then be used with external devices. Auxiliary sends can either be pre-fader or post-fader, in that the level of a pre-fade send is set by the Auxiliary send control, whereas post-fade sends depend on the position of the channel fader as well. Auxiliary sends can be used to send the signal to an external processor such as a reverb, which can then be routed back through another channel or designated auxiliary returns on the mixer. These will normally be post-fader. Pre-fade auxiliary sends can be used to provide a monitor mix onstage; this mix is thus independent of the main mix.
    Each channel on a mixer has an audio taper pot, or potentiometer, controlled by a sliding volume control (fader), that allows adjustment of the level, or amplitude, of that channel in the final mix. A typical mixing console has many rows of these sliding volume controls. Each control adjusts only its respective channel (or one half of a stereo channel); therefore, it only affects the level of the signal from one microphone or other audio device. The signals are summed to create the main mix, or combined on a bus as a sub mix, a group of channels that are then added to get the final mix (for instance, many drum mics could be grouped into a bus, and then the proportion of drums in the final mix can be controlled with one bus fader).
    There may also be insert points for a certain bus, or even the entire mix.
