Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Radio prog critique, Mayelle (08-0026)

Wambui brings various guests who tackle spiritual issues from listeners. These are mainly pastors and bible teachers. Once in a while, experts in other fields outside spiritual circles come on board to handle issues in the relevant fields. One such is a show dedicated to a gynecologist once a month to handle productive health issues; there is one also dedicated to a lawyer to handle legal matters.The show is very enlightening to a Christian in knowing how to relate some life’s issues with the bible. The expert shows are also really educative.Meanwhile on the interview on 27/03/2010 Owen Bennett Jones talked to Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem an internet entrepreneur who became Mayor of Jerusalem a year ago on how he thinks he can bring his business skills to bear on the challenges facing the city.He said he wants Jerusalem to reach its potential with more tourism and more facilities for its growing population.But he also wants to make it the undivided capital of the Jewish people under Jewish sovereignty. Owen grilled him about this particularly on the planned Jewish settlements. I liked the whole interview though I thought at one point that Owen was being too hard on the mayor.

It is 08:40pm now and I am loving the good Lord for enabling me to post the proposal and my programme critique. This has been real divine intervention on my side and I appreciate my God for this. I'm off to cook me something now after accomplishing my mission for today-hurray!! and look forward to a great night and a good morning. Have a blessed holy week yall and be good-as always......XOXOXO

1 comment:

  1. Hellen, you've provided this show content quite well. However, you've not done comparative analysis of the production elements of the two shows.
